Hits and Misses

     Over this past year, I have attempted and succeeded in many different styles of writing. One of those I feel especially confident in is my research paper. I enjoyed the entire process for the research paper: from choosing a topic to the final product. I also liked it because the entire process seemed to flow well. It didn't seem like I was switching between project steps, but rather it seemed like it was just the next link in a chain. The research paper also allowed for a level of intimacy and customizability for the topic itself. I was able to choose something that interested me. I think this was my strongest piece overall this year.
     Not all of my pieces have been a stunning success in my mind. I think one piece I "missed" was the personal narrative. During my personal narrative, I found increasing difficulty in trying to establish the scene of my memory. I told the story more as a narration rather than an observation. I think the reason I found this narrative a miss was because I have trouble organizing in creative writing. My narrative felt choppy and didn't seem to have rhythm or flow. This starkly contrasts my research paper in which I feel my organization is strong. Honestly, I think that I need to discover the best way to organize a creative piece from me.


  1. I'm surprised to hear that you succeeded your research paper. I always had trouble looking back at my citations so it ate up a lot of time at school. How were your other writing assignments?


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