Are you distracted by technology?

     To answer this plainly, No, I am not distracted to technology. I honestly work better on a computer or iPad than on paper. I find it easier and more efficient to work with others using technology. Technology allows us to be miles apart and be working on the same virtual piece of paper. This can be seen as a huge benefit to collaboration and cooperation. I would even say that technology allows me to stay more focused on what I am working on. I am able to listen to helpful music and look up helpful tips while getting the work done in a timely manner, albeit it does have its drawbacks.
     I think that technological distraction results from irresponsibility. I believe the term technology is too broad for this prompt. I believe that the entirety of technology can't be distracting, but I do believe in certain situations it can be distracting. For example, while trying to do homework, some people might feel the need to check their phone every ten seconds because they just posted something on Instagram, but my argument still stands in this situation. They put themselves in a position to be distracted. The same goes with using laptops at school. If a person has a game on their laptop, they should be mature enough to not play it in class. If not, then they should put the game on their school device in the first place. All of these distractions aren't a problem of technology itself, but of the choice we make in dealing with technology.


  1. I can not say I completely agree with you but I understand where you are coming from. As a whole technology is useful and changing the world, but with that change comes people you do not know how to adjust properly.

  2. I can agree that technology is very useful, but it is very distracting for many people. We are growing up side by side with technology, and we are always finding new ways to use it to pass the time away instead of finding ways to work more efficiently.

  3. I agree that technology can be useful. Your explanation of why technology is not distracting is very compelling, but I have to disagree. While, yes, an individual can consciously choose to allow themselves two be distracted, technology is distracting because it has grown to be the center of our society. It is used for entertainment, enjoyment, work, school, communication, etc. When one single thing controls all of those aspects of life, then it is distracting because people can get confused on what to use something for, do I play a game for enjoyment or write a paper for school. In this case, you can not merely state that school use is valued over pleasure, because the lines can become fogged. From an outside perspective, you know the correct answer, but when you are actually in that situation, you could as easily make the "wrong" choice. Thus technology is distracting because it dominates too many aspects of life, which leaves people wondering what its purpose is.

  4. I do agree that technology can be helpful in many ways, but each person responds to it differently. It is great that you are not distracted by it, but the next person could have technology as a daily distraction to themselves. Great post!

  5. I get incredibly distracted by certain technology, but I still do better on a computer. I do better on a computer because I have trouble with handwriting. I especially agree about not loading technology on your computer if you cannot manage it. I take a lot of maturity to ignore a fun game when getting tired. However, if someone is using technology around me, it might distract me.


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