Research Update

     Between our Social Studies and English classes, I have been working on a joint research paper. The topic I chose was Karl Marx relationship with Russian communism. I have found this topic to be very interesting thus far. I think a lot of people get confused about what communism actually is. Communism is a socioeconomic system that is supposed to benefit the proletariat or working class people. This system seems good in theory, but it has its problems. It all starts off with the criticism of Capitalism, the current dominant economic system. They say that the Bourgeois, middle class, are only making the proletariat suffer through the economic system through taking advantage of them.
      Communism really boils down to one key economic prospect: the abolition of private property. The communist argument goes that since the Bourgeois own the means of producing goods, The Bourgeois can and are taking advantage of the proletariat. Through this process, the proletariat are becoming more machine part then actual individuals. Now, the main criticism of communism is the lack of incentives to work. In a system where everybody communally owns the means of production, there is no incentive to keep working. Everybody is going to be supported by the government, so what is the point of working? It isn't like if you work more you get paid more. Still, the topic has been very enjoyable in researching. My current research question is to what extent were Karl Marx's ideas changed in Russian communism?


  1. go job Gregory. sounds like your paper is going to be really good.

  2. It seems like you understand what your topic is on and have an interest in it. Great job!

  3. This looks like a very interesting topic. I do see how communism is very often misunderstood. Maybe your essay can help teach some people about what communism really is!

  4. Your topic looks super interesting. With this, I actually understand what communism is better now.


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