Police Shootings

     One recent development that has become a increasingly popular topic in the US is the amount of lethal police shootings that has occurred. The article titled Police shootings are also part of America’s gun problem explores this topic in length. Lopez's, the author, main point is that the US has an disproportionate amount of lethal police shootings to its population. He then goes on to suggest that the root of this is the amount of civilian owned guns the US has. Officers are more likely to feel threatened in the event of a suspect pulling something out of his pocket that may be a gun. Overall, I think Lopez does suggest some reasonable points; however, I do not think that this is the entire story.
     In the event of you are stopped, arrested, or detained by a law enforcement officer, one should generally follow their instructions. Most of these instruction are to ensure safety for the officer and for yourself. To my knowledge, most lethal shootings occur if these instructions aren't followed. I argue that even though officers may feel more threatened by the increased civil gun population in the US, the shootings occur because of a lack of respect and procedure for these officers. Instead of lowering gun populations, we should educate people on how to properly interact with law enforcement officers.
     I chose this topic because it seemed like a interesting twist on an increasingly relevant topic in our society today. Especially with the recent police shooting on March 18 and the Parkland school shooting, gun control has become an important political topic now. I found this article while scrolling on apple news ad it seemed interesting. I don't agree how Lopez sees that the only thing that causes. lethal shootings is the increased gun prevalence. He doesn't acknowledge the fact that their are the causes rather than just that.


  1. Even then, legal gun ownership has nothing to do with police shootings. This is just another example of a liberal agenda making its way into our news sources. Most people who are detained, are indeed, criminals. This is another thing that the left forgets to mention. Also, most illegal crimes such as homicides are done with illegal weapons sold on illegal markets. Once again... illegal.

  2. You have an incredibly well-developed post. I appreciate the fact that you explained with examples why you disagree with the article. This in-depth analysis gives the reader the impression that you not only know what you are talking about but that you have done enough research to understand and argue for both sides of the coin.


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