Monster Hunter World

     Over Mardi Gras break, I picked up Monster Hunter World. This game is pretty self-explanatory: you fight monsters. I have enjoyed this game over the past few weeks. It has really brought a genuine sense of exploration and discovery through its diverse landscapes and monsters. I haven't experienced anything that really feels repetitive or boring in the game. It still instills that sense of exploration and curiosity for its unique world.
     Another reasonw hy I think I have enjoyed this game so much is because it have returned me from PvP (Player vs. Player) games. Monster Hunter World is a cooperative open-world PvE (Player vs. Environment) game. I had been on many multiplayer PvP games like Overwatch and Battlefield One for the past few years, so it has been really refreshing in a sense. It has a much different play style than those games, but I am getting used to it. Your play style depends on what weapon you use. I use a long sword, whit supports a very mobile and close-mid range play style. Another weapon is the bow, which supports a long-range glass-cannon, low-health and high-damage, play style. I have truly enjoyed playing this game.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm not much of a gamer or anything, but this seems fun! I like how you explained different aspects of the game and some pros. Great job!

  3. I've been interested in this new release, and I enjoyed your review of it. In fact, I may be picking it up soon! Good job "That Guy"

    1. Also, I'm glad you finally found a new game. (Jeez Greg)


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