New Semester

     With winter in full blast right now, I think its a good time to reflect over what has happened since August. The fall semester is now officially over. I had a lot of ups and downs over this semester, but I've learned some important things about myself over the past six months. One of those things is that I am not stressed very easily. I feel like people really boost up high school and make it sound more intimidating than it actually is. Another thing I've learned is that sleep is really helpful. I have been going to bed earlier and noticing significant improvements in my works habits. Finally, I have learned that procrastinating is incredibly bad. This is all valuable information I have learned about myself.
     I hope to use all this information in order to help me be a better student in this semester. One of my new goals is to not procrastinate as much. I seen that this helps the quality of the work I make (as stated above). I another goal I have is to balance my extracurricular activities well. This past semester, I didn't have any extracurricular activities, but this semester, I have baseball and robotics to balance. Lastly, I would like to have more free time. I can achieve that by using my free study more wisely and through other methods. If I can achieve these goals, I think I can have a much better time this semester


  1. One of my biggest problems is excessively procrastinating my work and stress isn't a big problem for me, but it does happen to me at times. Good luck on improving for the last half of freshman year!


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