Final Fantasy XV: A Beautiful Piece of Art

     Over Christmas break, I played many video games. One video game in particular struck me in a new way. This game was Final Fantasy XV. Final Fantasy XV take place in the fantasy world of Eos, which is split between two countries, Niflheim and Lucis. The game follows Noctis, the prince of Lucis, and his friends as they go on a journey to reclaim their homeland. This has been one of the best games I have played ever. The story is great and it develops the characters really well. Not only that, there is so much to do in Eos. It ranges from have lunch at a cafe to fighting off daemons at night. The game is incredibly diverse and there is so much for the player to do.
     One of the things that make this game especially great is its character development. Noctis, the main character, is only in his twenties. The game shows this very clearly as Noctis doesn't have the best judgement in the world. In fact, no character in this game is portrayed to be completely perfect. These flaws and imperfections really attach you to the characters. The game takes about a day of play time to complete the main story. In that twenty-four hours, I became attached to all the characters. All of these characters really make the game so much better than any I have played in the last year.


  1. Do you think I should buy this game? I know you think PS4 is trash, but is the game available for it?

    1. I definitely think you should get this. It is an action RPG, so it might be a little different than what you have been playing. FFXV also ran its DLC exclusive to PS4. Still, PS4 is trash.

  2. I also played a good amount of video games over the break. It surprises me how the game you are writing about gives flaws to every character.

  3. I don't really play that many video games. This game sounds really fun, though!


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