Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

     In class, we have been reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. The novel takes place on an Indian Reservation and is about a boy who has had many developmental problems and struggles in his life. Arnold, the main character, goes on his journey to never give in to society's torment of him and his people. I have enjoyed this book so far. It has been much more of a relaxed read since I don't have to annotate it. It really takes stress away from the last books we have read. Also, I think the book has been a good distraction from the research paper. It reminds me of how to be a kid.
     I think the novel can be very inspirational. Arnold can be a understandable character. He isn't this perfect being that does everything right and all. He is just a normal human being who has emotions and problems like the rest of us. I feel he is the way a lot of kids see themselves these days: failures, imperfect, and isolated. I also like how the author compares the reservation Indians to the white people off the reservation. In one scene, Arnold gets beat up by some people on the reservation, and when he goes back to school, one girls asks him if he was ok. This was different than what anybody on the reservation would do. These contrasts really make the book interesting.


  1. I agree about how the book takes the stress away from the writing process. I also thing that it is interesting how you noticed the contrast between the reservation and the school. Great post!


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