
     Over this fall break, I planned to do a lot of relaxation. For me, relaxation is anytime where I can basically shut down. It is any time when I can take my mind off the world around me. This was the perfect time for me to relieve all of the stress that school has put on me. It is a great way for me to catch up on some sleep I have missed. Relaxation is a way to unwind and take your mind off everything. Relaxation is great, but this is only one part of it.
     Relaxation has two parts: turning your mind away from the world, and focusing on your own thoughts. This second part is what I like most about relaxation. I don't have a one track mind. Whenever I am doing something, I have some many different trains of thought. When I relax, the train tracks might as well have disappeared. I stop worrying about everything and focus on who I have become. If I am displeased with who I have become, I prepare to make changes that will suit me better. Basically, relaxing is a way of understanding, deconstructing, and reconstructing yourself into something better.


  1. Wow, this is something that I want to try now. It's hard to do things like this, but it seems to have an amazing payout. Do you have any tips for trying this method of relaxation?


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