Describe What Your "Utopia" Looks Like and Why?

     My "Utopia" is a interesting place. For starters, It is a place where education thrives. Great public education would be available. In order for a society to prosper, It always has to have people who advance themselves in the pursuit of knowledge. In order for this to be achieved, That would mean that any sort of research is funded by the government. Technology would advance very quickly. Also, the government would be run by intelligent people who can make decisions that better the human race. If we keep bettering ourselves, we can achieve true gain in knowledge.
     The people in this "Utopia" would be judged upon their contributions to the society. Another main factor is that the government would not support people who do nothing. They might as well just starve. People like doctors, lawyers, professors, and business people would be at the top of this hierarchy. They are the people who benefit the society the most. Since anybody could become what they want to be through hard work, those with less aptitude and work ethic would slide to the bottom and those with great work ethic would rise to the top. The entire premise is that people who work are the people with power.


  1. This is all true, it would be great if everyone was a doctor, lawyer, professor, or business person, but we do need teachers and other occupations. Society works because there are people working all types of jobs. If we had everyone working just the occupations you listed, society would fall apart. Every job has a place, so I feel that occupations shouldn't be changed but work ethic could use some improvement.


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