9/11: A Continuing Problem

     I recently read an article about the after affects of the September, 11 terrorist attacks. If you would like to read it, you can find the article here. The article talks about some people who have been suffering the after-effects of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Most of them have suffered serious medical conditions after working at the Ground Zero area. I understand how they get these diseases and cancers. People inhale toxic dust and debris and end up getting sick. I find this must be a horrible way to die. I find there is one problem with this.
     I understand that they get sick from the dust and debris, but I find the world is cruel for doing something like this. All of these people who are getting sick from these rescue sites were only trying to help people in need. If there is somebody up there running this world, how can somebody rewarded with a gut-twisting sickness after they just tried to help people? I know the main answer is science, but I find life to be cruel like this. Human beings can be very fragile, and people risk there lives to help people. Then 6-7 years later, you realize your sick for helping people who needed help.


  1. The answer is whatever people want to believe in, whether it be science or religion. This is written well, and your questions are a major and long-going debate. We may not even find the answers in our lifetimes, so all we can do is hope.


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