Red Stick Rumble

     This weekend, the robotics team went to Red Stick Rumble. If was a couple minutes before the final match. Rohit, a team member, was looking under the robot that was turned on its side. I crouched next to him, watching carefully as he replaced the rivets that were worn out. The announcer suddenly came on and said,"One minute remaining." I stood up, and then proceeded to help get the robot back on its wheels.  After that, Rohit started pushing the robot over towards the wall. A part of the robot has to be touching the wall near our driver stations when the match starts. This would be the second match of the final series (We were up 1-0). The drive team got into position behind our driver station. The match was soon to start.
     The announcers announced all of the teams that were playing. When our alliance members were called, then we were called. Our drive team consisted of Marcus who was up in the air ship piloting Thomas who was throwing gears, and Rohit who was driving. I was on the side lines filming the match. I then heard 3, 2, 1, GO. Our autos burst into action for the first fifteen seconds. We successfully get our pre-loaded gear onto the peg. After 15 seconds, Rohit ran to the driver station getting ready to drive the robot. He sprung into action, taking gears off the ground and putting them on the pegs. Our robot was one of the lightest, so it could move very fast. one minute and forty-five seconds later, the buzzer rings indicating the end game has started. All of the robots made haste towards their air ships. The pilots lowered ropes as the robots started to climb up to the top. After I see the 3991 bot make it to the top,  I am overjoyed. I take a look at the scoreboard and I see that. the score is 280 to 288. The final score comes up, and its a blue alliance win. We won Red Stick Rumble.


  1. This story was suspenseful, it kept me on the edge the whole time. Seems like a close win, were you nervous at all during this experience?

  2. This story is one that builds upon itself. Also, Red Stick Rumble is a story that is nicely tied together.

  3. This was a very suspenseful narrative. I liked how you included what the announcers said.


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