The Flash

     For the last three years my of my life, I have been watching the "The Flash." This show goes through the life of Barry Allen (aka the Flash) and his adventures fighting crime in central city. The show has an episodic plot, so every episode they find and fight a new villain. The also has a kind of super villain that they must defeat at the end of every season. The villain at the end of last season was Savitar, a speedster who wants to destroy Barry. Tucker and I have developed a cult following of this show. Every Tuesday the show is on, we will have pizza and watch the show. We always have a good time.
     In school, we have always taken about different elements of plot such as foreshadowing. "The Flash" also contains a lot of these devices. I find it interesting to see the difference between these in book and in a more visual platform. For foreshadowing especially, in books, the foreshadowing in done in a much more subtle manner than in the show. Some of the episodes directly parallel what happens at the end of each season. Tucker and I usually try to theorize about each villain after the show ends. I enjoy whether I was right or wrong in what I discover about these villains. I also find it interesting how the plot can be explosive and subtle at the same time. It really makes the show enjoyable for me.


  1. This was a very fun blog to read! It was cool how you connected the show to concepts we have learned.

  2. Nice post! Also, I connect with this because I am a "Flash Fan" as well.

  3. This blog is quite informative without the spoilers. I've loved this show since the first episode, and I do many of the things you do with this show.

  4. I like how you saw the way the Flash connected with our class. I also agree with the things you said about the enjoyment of the show.


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