Star Wars

     Star Wars is one of my favorite fictional universes. It explores the interesting world of space travels and evil ruling organization. There are many more avid fans of this series than just myself. Many fans get into altercations about how aspects of the universe should be interpreted. One of the age old debates is how canon and non-canon books should be interpreted. Many people just throw out the non-canon books because they have no effect of the canon universe, but they still interpret many ideas that the canon universe hasn't answered yet. I have read some of the non-canon texts and I find them very fun to read.
     Another argument many people get into is a massive plot hole: why are the Rebels rebelling against the empire. At face value, there isn't anything that they Empire is doing that is morally wrong or discriminatory. Therefore, there shouldn't be scruples against the Empire form the Rebels. The only point I see you could make is that they blew up a planet with the Death Star. When the Empire did that, the planet who hosting rebels, it only makes sense that the rid their problems at one time. No matter how I see it, I just can't deride the Empire for anything.


  1. I love Star Wars as well!! Star Wars does bring up some questions that I still haven't had answered, so yes the plot can get very confusing at times.

  2. Star Wars is so amazing!!! I have come with lots of theories about some plot holes like these. If you want to see the best theorists, watch Super Carlin Brothers on Youtube. They have amazing theories, and a bunch about Star Wars. My theory about Rebels vs Empire is that the war has gone on for so long, that they forgot the source, and just keep fighting.
    I can't wait for The Last Jedi!!

  3. I am also a huge fan of Star Wars. I personally believe it is way better than Star Trek. Now about the empire. I believe that they rebel largely because they remember how the Empire gained control, and some comic books of Star Wars reference high taxes on the working class citizen.


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